
Jun 30, 2011

Things I Love Thursday- The 4th of July!

LOVE these centerpieces!

Anyone who knows me knows that I love all Holidays, and 4th of July is no exception! 

I love that it's warm and we get to wear fun red, white and blue clothes.

I love that we grill out and eat lots of yummy food.

I love that the day usually invloves lots of friends and family.

I love that there are always fun things to do in our area.

I love that the girls get excited to put out the flag.

I love that we get to see fireworks at the end of the fun day!

Who doesn't love girls in matching Holiday dresses?!  These are from T.J. Maxx

We have done lots of different things over the years to celebrate.  Some years we have been in Blowing Rock, NC with my husbands family.  Some years we have had a big cookout at our house with lots of friends, (hot dog eating contest too!).  Last year we walked in the local Americana parade.  And this year, we will be at our pool all day long, (if the rain holds off!). 

If you are in the Dayton area and looking for ideas of what to do, check out the events listed!  There are a TON of things going on in our area this weekend, so there is NO REASON to miss out on all the fun!  Plus, chances are, you will see me at lots of those events!

So tell me, what will you be doing this weekend?  Does your family have Independence Day traditions?  What is your favorite thing to do on this fun summer holiday?

Linking up today with Diaper Diaries!  Check them out here:

Jun 29, 2011

The Birthday Celebration

I know I said I was feeling weird about turning 36, but my family and friends really went all out to make me feel so special yesterday that I had no time to stress over it.

The morning started with being awakened to my husband and the girls singing happy birthday to me in bed.  Then I was escorted into the kitchen where they had breakfast waiting for me.

An egg McMuffin from McDonald' guilty pleasure :)

Then they gave me my gift (a gift card to a local shopping center!), and handmade cards.  I think they were just as excited to give it to me as I was to get it! 

My husband had taken the day off work, so after breakfast and gifts, they let me go back to bed for a morning nap.  But just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a knock on our front door and it was my sweet friend, Carrie, who dropped by with flowers and a card.  I LOVE fresh flowers, so it was an extra special treat. 

After finishing my nap, I got up, showered, and we headed to the pool.  It has been a kind of cold and rainy start to the summer season and yesterday was warm and sunny, so I was excited to be out enjoying it. 

After swimming at the pool, we came home and had brownies that the girls and Jeremy had made earlier in the day.  They were super yummy and gooey...perfect for this momma!

Then we got ready and headed to dinner at one of my favorite casual places and then did a little shopping.  And then shared Cheesecake from Cheesecake factory for dessert because the girls had never had it and were begging to try it.

The day was perfect.  I felt truly loved and my husband and girls worked hard to make sure that I enjoyed every second. 

PLUS, to top it all off, I came home to find that Nina from Momma Go Round had commented on Monday's post.  Can I just say I was star struck?!  I have been blog stalking her for a long time and I adore everything she does.  So to have her comment and compliment my outfit was a huge bonus to my day!  Thanks Nina!

So maybe turning 36 isn't so bad after all...and I'm hoping that the rest of the year is as good as the day itself :)

Jun 27, 2011

Mix It Up Monday: Let's Try Belts

Okay, so while I was taking a forced break from blogging, I *did* actually live my life.

Crazy, I know.

And believe it or not, I wasn't taking pictures of everything I was wearing. 

BUT, I have been trying more new things, which was kind of nice to do without feeling like I should put it on the blog for people to view and comment on. 

But here we are, back together again, and I will return to allowing the the world to judge what I am wearing.  I'm a glutton for punishment that way.

One of the new things I have been trying is belts.

Now for some of you, you have been wearing belts for a long time and think it's no big deal.  And yes, I did wear belts before, but they were the kind that were just to hold my pants up.  With a big shirt over it.  Not for anyone to see.

Because I was kind of trying to hide my shape.  Not emphasize it.

But I started seeing all these other ladies putting it out there, and I wondered if I could rock a belt the way they did. 

So I tried it.

Call me fearless.

And here are two outfits I did work a belt into the past few weeks that I actually got a picture of.

At an end of the year event at my daughter's school. 
Shrug:  Walmart, Tank:  Target, Skirt: Kato, Shoes and Jewelry:  Avenue, Belt: DressBarn, Purse:  NY&CO.

Going out for date night...

Shoes and Cardigan:  Target, Tee:  Old Navy, Belt:  ??, Skirt:  Fashion Bug, (I's old).  Necklace:  My WONDERFUL friend Stephanie made it for me!

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself, (and I do!).

I kind of like that it gives me a waist.  Something that has been missing in my life for a little while.  Or forever.

Anyway, here ya go.  Judge away.  But remember, I can delete any comments I don't like :)

I will be linking up at Real Momma Real Style on Momma Go Round , (and VOTE for me there by LIKING my thumbnail!),and What I Wore Wednesday at The Pleated Poppy, so
be sure to check it out!

***This post was featured on Momma Go Round this week!!!  Check it out! 


Jun 25, 2011

I'm Baaaccckkkkk

Oh.  My.  Word.

I feel like I have been gone forever from the blogging world.

I kind of have in terms of blogger time.

Anyhoo, I will save you all the details, but the short of it is that we got some nasty viruses on our computer and it is taking longer than expected to get it all worked out.

BUT, last night I was at dinner with some friends and as I was talking about how much I missed my blog and wished that our computer would get fixed soon, my wonderful friend, Annie, said I could borrow her laptop until ours was fixed.

How awesome if that???

Yes, I do have some GREAT friends...and I know how blessed I am!

So, I am back in the blogosphere.  YAY!!!!

Now, if I were to try and catch you up on alllllllllll that has been going on since I have been out of comission, it would take forever.

Because I KNOW you want to hear every detail of my uber exciting life.

BUT, I did want to share a few things with you...

First, anyone else watching Bachlorette?  One word.  Bentley.

That guy is a serious jerk, (I would use other language, but this is a family blog).  I have sworn that if I ever see him in real life, I will speak for women everywhere when I pop him in the face. 

Also, I have had a lot of girl time lately.  Not with my daughters, (I have that all the time, and while it's hard for sure some days, I love it!).  No, this is girlfriend time I'm talking about.  AND IT HAS BEEN WONDERFUL!!!! 

So a shout out to all my ladies and also to my Amazing husband for holding down the fort while I have been out living it up! :)

Now third, my birthday is Tuesay and I will be 36.  Not sure how I feel about this.  I am past the halfway point of my thirties and it just feels wierd.

Cuz I still kind of feel 15 in my head.  (NKOTB anyone??)

But I guess I do have a husband, two kids and a mortgage etc., which would all be awkward if I were really only 15.

And, there is that saying that the alternative to getting older is dying.  Not really a pleasant I guess I should be happy to be turning 36.

Well, enough rambling for now. 

Oh wait!  I DO want to share with you a pic of what my friend, Stephanie, made for me for my birthday.  How talented is she??

NOT a great pic of me, but at least you can see the necklace...

I keep telling her she should start a business with all the cool stuff she makes.  I'll keep you updated if she does :)

Have a great day, and hopefully, I will have the blog updated soon with all new posts, events, etc.!


Jun 8, 2011

This Just In...Crazy 8's Open at Dayton Mall

Thanks for the head's up from a friend, Crazy 8's opened today at The Dayton Mall and it sounds like they have some really good deals!

If you haven't heard of Crazy 8's before, it is a Children's clothing store that is owned by Gymboree. They have similar styles, but the prices are a lot better. So if they are having good deals, that means they are probably *REALLY* good!

Hope you get a chance to check it out, and take advantage of those deals!

Jun 5, 2011

Still Alive...

Well, I'm still here, but the computer is still all screwed up.

7 viruses.


Anyhow, while we are trying to get it back in working order, I am using my crackberry to check emails, stalk people on facebook, and of course stay in the blogger loop.

I can't load pictures and posting will still be limited, but at if I hear about a good deal or feel like there is something I MUST tell you about, (because I just *know* you are going through Family Fun Mom withdrawl), then I will do quick updates.

Speaking of updates, I wanted to tell you about my SUPER FUN girls trip this past weekend.
My friend Amy is turning 30, and so two other friends and I surprised her with an overnight trip. We stayed in a FAB Hotel, (thanks to her husband!), shopped, ate yummy food and laughed more than I had in a Very long time. It was the best, and it really makes me appreciate the frienships that God has blessed me with.

I mean seriously, what would we do without our girlfriends?!

Not have nearly as much fun, that's for sure!

So I want to encourage you, Get out with your girls! Make time for fun! Being a wife and mommy are important, but investing time in your friendships will bring amazing joy into your life! Just do it!!!!

Jun 1, 2011

Free Doughnuts!

I can't post much, but I didn't want you to miss out on this!!!!

Friday, June 3rd is National Doughnut Day!  Lots of places are giving out free is an article for Local (Dayton) deals. 

Enjoy your doughnut day!!!