
Apr 15, 2011

Fun on The Farm

Earlier this week, I had a chance to go with Faith and her class to visit Possum Creek Farm.  If you haven't been, you should definitely try it out.  They have lots of farm animals for the kids to see, and even a great little play area for them to be able to run and burn off some of that crazy kid energy!

We also got a history lesson while we were there because one of the little girls who is in Faith's class brought her grandpa, who actually grew up on that farm! 

They also do lots of children and family programs at the farm.  If you want to check it out, click here 

Here are some of the pictures from our fun day at the farm:

1 comment:

  1. oooh, i didn't know they had a farm! yay! our kids loved young's dairy farm when we went, but it's such a trek. we'll have to check it out! love the pics... faith is cute as usual! :)


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