
Apr 28, 2011

Garage Sale Diva

Today is the first day of the Annual Centerville City Wide Garage Sales.  They run today thru Saturday and I am beyond EXCITED!

I LOOOOOVE going to garage sales.  You can find the best deals, and who doesn't love a bargain...especially when you get to hunt it down and then haggle over the price?

I mean, really, who can resist a 400 piece Snoopy collection?  OR, a Never-Been-Out-Of-The-Box Menudo doll set? 

Addy is in school today, and Faith is with her Granny, so I am spending the ENTIRE day out with a friend hitting up as many Garage Sales as two mommas can find.  And oh there will be many!!

But I actually like taking the girls with me to garage sales, and it happens to be one of their favorite Spring/Summer activities too.

We load up the van with snacks, juice and some toys and I give them each a little money to spend (usually between $2-$5), and we head out.  It's a lot of fun for all of us, and it helps to teach them about how to spend your money wisely, (For example, don't spend all your money on Barbie's and Movies when we're still on the lookout for daddy's Father's Day gift!  Yes people, he is a LUCKY man!). 

So if you aren't a Garage Sale Diva yet, give it a try, and even get the kids in on the action.  Because a family who Garage Sales together...wears used clothes together :)

1 comment:

  1. Ba ha ha on that last comment! I can't believe I didn't run into you today. I was out there almost all day and got some great stuff! Just wanted you to know that Settlers Walk is having the community sale starting tomorrow (Friday)! Let the shopping begin...


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