
Apr 25, 2011

Memory Monday...The Day Trip From You Know Where

So I thought today would be a great day for us all to share our worst vacation/trip stories.  I'll go first.

I was about 9 and my dad took me, my younger sister, and my cousin to Kings Island for the day.  Sounds like a good idea, right? 

The day started off nice, but on our way there, the rain started pouring out of the sky, and showed no signs of stopping.  After we paid to park, we had to wait in the car for about 30 minutes until there was a break in the rain so that we could make a run for it.  We didn't get far because half way up to the gate, it started raining again and we had to wait under a bus shelter. 

He probably should have gotten back in his car and gone home at this point.  I know I would have.

But the rain let up and we headed inside to get some food.  My dad decided that he wanted to eat at the restaurant at the very back of the park.  So we trekked all the way back and then I announced that I didn't feel good and wanted to go home. 

Now, for those who don't know, when I was a little girl, I threw up ALL THE TIME.  So when I said I didn't feel good, people generally took it seriously and didn't waste time getting me to the facilities.  So my dad decided we should probably just head home and started walking back to the front of the park.  But just as we reached the entrance area, I told him I felt better and wanted to stay.  Again, he *should* have had the better sense to just call it a day.  But he didn't.

We made our way to the back of the park again and had lunch.  After that, we wanted to go on some rides, and as we made our way towards them, my dad turned around to see me and my cousin, but not my sister.  She was no where to be found.

We looked all over, and even had to get security involved.  My dad was starting to get really nervous, and then we got word that a little girl matching her description was at the Lost child area.  When we arrived, there she was, playing checkers with the worker.  My dad didn't know whether to hug her or choke her.  It turns out that she had stopped to tie her shoe, but failed to tell anyone, and when she looked up, we were all gone.

After that, we decided to have a strict buddy system.

We rode some rides, and then I noticed that they were having an Air Supply concert at TimberWolf.  I begged my dad to let us go, and he eventually said yes, and bought us all tickets.

We took our seats, which were near the back, and the show started.  And since this was my first concert experience, I was having the time of my life.  And oh yes, I was the 9-year-old girl in the back, standing on the bench style seat, waving her hands in the air.  The ONLY one in our section standing up.  Waving her hands.  My sister was Totally embarrassed.  But I was in "We're All Out Of Love" heaven, and it was AWSEOME!  And then the storms came.

The show was cancelled, and the park was closing, so we again waited under a shelter until it was safe enough to make a run for the car.  By the time we made it, we were completely soaked, and ready to be home.

But you didn't think it would be that easy did you?

So on the way home, my dad starts experiencing car trouble, and the car totally dies on the side of the rode.  Here he is with three young, wet kids, on a Sunday night, before cell phones.  Fun times.

He waited until a police officer rolled up and called a tow truck for him.  When the truck came, we all piled in and he took us back to the garage, (which was closed).  Fortunately, there was a convenience store across the street that was open, and my dad handed us cash and told us to go get some snacks while he figured out a plan.  Eventually, he got in touch with his girl friend and she came and got us, and we *finally* made it home. 

So this was definitely one of my "Worst Trips" stories.  What are yours?  Everyone has come on and share!  We all could use a good laugh :)


  1. Oh man, oh man have we got a whopper of a story! We had driven to Myrtle Beach with a 2 year old and 6 month old twins. We had a great week and were 4 hours into our trip home when our "boy twin" started to cry. Since the other 2 kids were still sleeping, we decided to press on. After about 10 minutes, he settled down and we drove on.
    Fast forward another hour and we started to smell something. "Boy twin" started crying again so we knew we had to stop soon. We found a rest stop within 15 minutes and pulled in. We got out and stretched, then opened the door to get the kids out. It was only then that we saw it...
    Our son was completely covered with poop. I mean in the hair, between the toes, on the pacifier, can't-see-what-pattern-the-car-seat-is type of poop everywhere. AAHAHAHHHHHHH!!!!!
    Being nearly 9 hours from home, we had no choice but to clean it up as best we could and press on. I took him, car seat and all, into the rest stop bathroom. In the small rest stop sink I had to bathe a baby head-to-toe, dry him off and get him changed. THEN, I had to completely clean every crevice of his car seat and then dry it under the air dryer.
    Our son laughs every.single.time we tell him that story. I only wish I had a picture to show him.

  2. Okay, that HAS TO BE the grossest poop story ever! It beats all other 'my kid pooped and smeared it all over' stories. Hands down, you win! Thanks for sharing :)


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