
Jul 20, 2011

Things I Love Thursday: Sally Hansen Color Quick

It's no big secret that I am a girly girl.  I love hair, makeup, clothes, and nailpolish.  And I absolutely adore getting my nails done at some fab salon by someone else.

BUT, who has time (or money) for getting that done regularly?

Plus, I am the kind of momma who did her nails one day, and by the next, the polish was chipping off because I had been using my hands so much.  Which in turn meant that I wouldn't do my nails that much because I got tired of having to redo them all the time.

So the hunt began to find something that would be inexpensive, that I could use quickly, and that would last.

Ta-dah!  I found it!  It's Sally Hansen's Color Quick Fast Dry Nail Color Pen!

It is AWESOME!  It comes in this cool pen and is SOOOO easy to apply, (and believe me, if anyone could mess it up, it's me!). 

Plus, it drys SUPER FAST!  Which is important to me because I know that 5 minutes after I apply it, I am going to have to get someone juice, or buttom someone's pants, or fix someone a snack.

One thing I will say, is that it doesn't last quit as long as I wish it would, but then again, niether does *any* nailpolish.  BUT, because it is so inexpensive, and quick to apply, when it does chip off, I just grab the pen and reapply!  Two minutes later, it looks like I just had a manicure.  Yay for me!!!!!

I have tried it in several colors, but my new favorites are 'Smoke', (a gray color that I was wearing in this pic), and Purple Chrome.

So next time you're out and looking for some new nailpolish, give this one a try.  Pretty sure you will be loving it too!

I'll be linking up with Diaper Diaries for Things I Love Thursday.  Be sure to
click on over and check out all the other things that are getting the Blog Love this week!


  1. I have seen these pens but have not used them. I want to try it though. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

    I am visiting today from TILT. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  2. Oh I like the idea of fast and easy. I'm going to have to look for those the next time we're at the store.

  3. I might have to try that! I never paint my nails but this intrigues me because maybe the "pen" would make it easier for me to not make a huge mess. ;-)


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