
Aug 2, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Lunch Meals to Pack for Kids

It is the same struggle most mom's have.  What are some different options that we can pack for our kids school lunches? 

Because kids get tired of the same old same old.  And more than that, we get tired of packing it!

So, here is my list of Top Ten DIFFERENT items to try for your kids this year!

10.  Peanut Butter and Apple wrap recipe from this site!  Pair it with cut up broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes and veggie dip!

9.  Hard boiled egg, crackers, cheese cubes, grapes, and cucumber slices.  It's a meal you can eat with just your hands and no mess!

8. Make your own Tacos!  My kids love putting together their own stuff, so this is perfect.  Pack a tortilla (or two if you've got a big eater), some shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, lettuce and shredded chicken.  They can put it together themselves at school and all the other kids will be asking for it the next day!

7. Bagel with cream cheese, Celery sticks with peanut butter, and a sliced apple.

6. Pasta salad in a cup, buttered bread, and sliced melon.

5. Kabobs on a toothpick!  Some of my favorite combos are: Cherry tomatoes, cheese cubes, and pepperoni or Ham, cheese and pineapple.

4. Meatballs in sauce with a bread stick and fruit.

3. Make Your Own Lunchable!  Have the kids pick out a kind of meat, cheese, and crackers, (I always let them  pick a cookie too!)  Throw in some applesauce and veggies and call it a day!

2. Sandwich rolls recipe from this site

1.  Cold Pizza!  You know you have some from the night before, and the kids LOVE this special treat.  Pair it with carrots and ranch dip (add extra for the pizza crust!), and your kids will think you're the coolest mom on the block!

Helpful Tips:

-Remember to make a little extra when you make dinner so that you have leftovers to pack, (especially chicken etc. for wraps and sandwiches!)

-When you do make sandwiches, cut them into cool shapes with a cookie cutter...that's always a hit!

-cut up veggies on the weekend so they're easy to throw in the lunchbox during the week and you don't run out of time on busy mornings!

-Let the kids help plan and pack their lunch.  If they help make it, they're more likely to eat it!

-Be sure to check with the school about their peanut butter policy.  My daughter's school allows it, as long as no one at their assigned lunch table has an allergy.

-Every now and then, throw in a cookie or special treat.  It will make your child's day!

-Write a little note to your special girl or boy (or both!) and slip in their lunch box. Tell them how much you love them and that you hope they have a great day!  It may not be cool, but secretly, they will love it!

Linking up with Top Ten Tuesday over at Oh Amanda!  Hop on over and check out all the other Top Tens!


  1. As I was beginning to comment and say what a great list this was I looked down and saw the fabulous Zumba ad at the bottom of your page. It made me smile!

    #3 is a GREAT idea. My kids love lunchables but they are so unhealthy. Love the idea of making our own!

  2. These are great ideas. Thank you! If any of your readers need more ideas, I'll be happy to give a discounted subscription price to

  3. Thanks for the ideas! I am always looking for new, fun and healthy things for lunches! And my son is "snacker" at lunch so these will work great! I am thinking of getting a Bento Box from PB Kids for lunches. I think it will be easier for him to actually eat during the 15 min they get for lunch since he won't have to open so many containers or baggies.

  4. Some great idea's but kids are not allowed to take peanut butter to school!


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