
Aug 31, 2011

WFMW: Don't Forget Your Jewels

It happens to me...

All.  The.  Time.

I spend an hour doing my hair, makeup, finding the right outfit, the perfect shoes and the right handbag.  Then I walk out of the house and about half way to wherever I'm going, I look down and realize that I forgot my jewelry.


I HATE that!

I NEED my accessories.  I just feel naked without them.

And feeling naked makes me feel VERY uncomfortable.

{Now you're probably feeling uncomfortable too}

Anyhow, this happened to me yet again last week, and that was it!  I had enough and decided to come up with a plan.

I decided to make an "Emergency Jewelry Box".  Basically, I took some costume jewelry that I have that I don't wear everyday, packed it up in a little box, and placed it in my glove compartment.

I knew it had to be something that could go with most anything, and nothing that I would need all the time for other outfits.

{Because that would totally be me to take it out to wear it with something, and then forget to put it back in the emergency case, and then be left with nothing again.  And we'd be back to feeling uncomfortable...}

So I chose all silver items, (and of course a little sparkle).  I packed up 2 rings, a bracelet, a necklace and earrings.  Here is what I have:

None of it is real, so it has no value, (in case you were thinking of breaking into my van for it :)

But it will save the day the next time I forget my jewels!

But just so you know, I set a rule for myself that when I do use the emergency case, I have to return the jewelry before I get back out of the car when I get home.  That way, it is there for me the next time I need it!

Brilliant!  If I do say so myself.

And I do!

I am linking up with We Are THAT Family for Works For Me Wednesday.  Go and check out all the other great ideas!


  1. Came from We Are That Family and LOVE this idea! I can totally relate to forgetting the jewelry and how you feel without it! I am definitely stealing this idea!

  2. I always forget jewelry! Great idea!

  3. such a great idea! I feel naked when I don't have mine too. THANKS!


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