
Aug 24, 2011

WFMW: Not Really

Today was the first day of school for us.

Which meant that Addy started 2nd grade and Faith started...


It absolutely does not seem possible that this beautiful, spunky, funny, and marvelous baby girl that I had just five short years ago could be going off to school.

But she is, and this momma is having a hard time trying to accept that.

I know I need to get over it, though.  Because she LOVED her first day, and her excitement and enthusiasm put me at ease.

At least enough to let her get on the bus.

And then follow it right up to the school so I could watch her walk in and make sure she was okay.

And of course, she was.

But doesn't she need me?

Why didn't she cry for her momma?

Why was she so thrilled to be leaving me?  Even if it *is* just for a few hours a day...

All of these are my worries.  She has none at all.

So while this whole kindergarten thing is totally working for her, it's not really working for me at all!

But as I said, I need to get over it.  This is normal.  How it should be.  This is a happy time.

Yes, I'll just keep telling myself that until I believe it.  And pretty soon, I will.

I know this because I did it 2 years ago with Addy.

So, in the spirit of trying to accept what's happening, and even (gulp) be happy about it, I will share some pics of our special first day!

The monkey muffins I made for breakfast as a special first day treat!  The recipe is from The Pioneer Woman, and they are A-MAZ-ING!  Get it here!

My big girl getting all ready for 2nd grade!

Daddy and his girls!

Me and my babies!

Addy getting onto the bus

The special snack I packed for their first day.  I got this cute idea off of Pinterest.  Check it out here!

I also got this cute idea off of Pinterest. (I already told you, I am addicted!)  You can see it too, here!

My little kindergartner

Faith and her friend, Trey all ready to go!  Aren't they the cutest?!

Trey and Faith coming home after their first day

Addy after her first day...I think she enjoyed it :)

I am linking up for WFMW with We are THAT Family.  Click on over for all the other great ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these pictures...I will have to steal the ones of Trey from ya...especially the one of them holding cute is that??? I didn't tear up and cry all day about him venturing off to Kindergarten until I read your blog and saw the sweet pictures...the tears are now flowing :) Such a bittersweet time! I am just glad they loved it so much!


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