
Sep 26, 2011

Mix It Up Monday: Style Inspiration

Lately, I have had a number of people say to me,

"I just don't know how to put an outfit together.", or

"I never know what to wear.", or

"I can't figure out what looks right on my body."

I can totally relate to these comments.  I spend way too much time agonizing about what I'm going to wear when I actually have to leave my house.

Lately, though, it has gotten a bit easier for me, and one reason is Pinterest.

I know, I know.

You're getting tired of hearing about Pinterest.

But honestly, it has been a huge help to my life, and style is just one area that it has provided inspiration.

You see, I have a style pin board.  And when I see an outfit I like on the site, (or somewhere else), I just pin it so that when I am struggling with what to wear, I go to my board for inspiration.

This is an outfit I wore this week:

Cardigan: Garage Sale, Tank: Target, Shoes: Clothes Swap, Necklace: Boutique in Waynesville.

And here is the outfit that inspired my look:

Via on Pinterest

You see, I don't have the *exact* pieces pictured here, but I have items that are close.  So I put them together and I have an outfit that I like. 

I have loads of outfits pinned that I have started going to when I feel like I have nothing to wear.  Plus, it also gives me ideas for new outfits that might look good on me. 

If you're not interested in Pinterest, try checking out magazines, online style sites, or copying someone Else's style when you're feeling blah.

As always, I will be linking up with Momma Go Round for RMRS, and The Pleated Poppy for WIWW.  You can go there now for some instant style inspiration of your own!


  1. Great post! I should check out Pinterest. But I do sometimes get ideas from magazines. Sometimes they seem so extreme, though, that I can't imagine replicating them.

    You did a great job with your outfit inspiration, though. And I always like the outfits you create!

    I followed you here from Real Momma, Real Style.


  2. i like the outfit! i used to have issues for the longest time as well. i hated getting dressed because i felt like i had no clothes. now, i still feel like i will never have enough clothes, but i definitely know how to work my wardrobe better! :) im glad that you are finding new ways to make things work for you!

    sharde @ the style projects


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