
Sep 13, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: High School Football

I ADORE having girls.

The pink, the bows, the dresses, the dolls, the shoes...just about everything.

But I remember thinking, (when we decided we were done having babies), that I was sad not to have a boy because we would miss out on some of the "boy" things in life.

One of them being Friday Night High School Football Games.

I just didn't think that my two girls would enjoy it, and that we would end up missing out on something that I thought was so fun.

But then when my oldest daughter was in first grade, she started cheering for our Wee Elks team.

And around here, High School football is a pretty big deal...especially if your involved with the Wee Elks.

The HS games are more like college games. 

The stands are filled, everybody is WAAAAY into it, and there is usually a lot of action on the field.

So last year we decided to go ahead and take the girls to a game one Friday.  And whadoyaknow...THEY LOVED IT! 

So now, we are a HS football family.  And here are my Top Ten Reasons Why:

10.  A cheap way to have a Fun Family Friday!

9.  When else can you get dressed up like a lunatic and your kids AREN'T embarrassed by you??

8.  The people watching is great!

7.  It builds community.

6.  The kids love seeing their friends there and it becomes a friend/family tradition.

5.  Tailgating!

4.  You get a chance to see some great players before they head off to do bigger things...

3.  It's the one time you can stand up and yell crazy stuff at the top of your lungs and everyone totally gets it.

2. The feeling of pride and excitement you get after a big win!

1.  Nothing else says FALL like a crisp Friday night at the stadium under the lights!

So, if you haven't given HS football a chance yet, give it a try.  You may end up a Super Fan :)

GO ELKS!!!!!!

I am linking up with Oh Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday!  Check out all the other Top Ten Lists!


  1. I remember those small town Friday nights--one thing to miss in suburbia.

  2. As the wife of a high school football coach (who had 3 girls before we finally got our boy last year), I say "Yay!" Yes, some of our best memories are at those games on Friday night. Go Jackets!

  3. LOVE Friday night football games and love you all dressed up in your Elk gear!!!


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