
Mar 26, 2012

Pinterest Fads...What Do You Think?

Every day I pop onto Pinterest and see a new fad popping up.  Some I like, and some I think are just silly.  But here's my two cents on a few of them...
1.  Couch to 5K:  I need more of a couch to the curb before I attempt a couch to 5K.  Just not sure this program is quite at my beginner level...(Or perhaps I should call it below beginner level?)

2.  YoureCards:  These are the cards with all the funny sayings on them.  I love them because they cater to my personal brand of humor, which is called sarcasm.  It's like all the stuff I am thinking, but because I'm Christian, I can't say.

3.  The Ultimate Outfit: Tons of great outfits that no one can afford.  Plus, what looks good on the 90 lb. model wearing the outfit will probably look a little different on my, how should I say...slightly larger body.

4.  The best________  Ever!:  We've all seen the recipe that claims to be the best (whatever) ever.  I mean, how do you even prove that?  I'm going to start calling my blog the best ever and dare you to tell me otherwise. 

5.  The DIY tutorial:  Here's the thing, we're not all DIY kind of girls.  Some of us need to face facts and realize that we will never be able to make a skirt of out of old postcards.  So lets just all give ourselves a break and admit that we actually still buy our clothes.

6.  Ryan Gosling:  Hey Girl, Ryan Gosling thinks it's creepy that you keep pinning pictures of him saying weird stuff about homeschooling and crafts. Stop it.

7.  Gorgeous Hair:  Oh how we all wish we could pull off those cute little hairdo's.  But the fact is, most of us are lucky if we even get to grab a shower and actually wash our hair, much less do anything with it.

8.  Word Art In The Bedroom:  I love all these beautiful sayings like, "You & Me"  and "You Have My Whole Heart For My Whole Life" hanging above the bed, but I think those are just fluff words.  Now maybe if it said something like, "I Love You Because You Get Up With Our Puking Kids" or "I Can't Believe You Still Think I'm Attractive  After 2 Kids And An Extra 50 Pounds", then that would really be romantic.

9.  Layered Desserts: I am guilty of making these obscene desserts too.  Cookie bars, topped with Oreos, covered in brownie batter and a layer of lard on top.  I mean, why waste our precious time gaining that 300 pounds one cookie at a time?  This way will be much faster!

10. 101 Fun Things To Do With Your Toddler:  Here's an idea, How about we get off Pinterest and do just 1?

Hope you enjoyed my take on some of the latest Pinterest fads.  What do YOU think of them?

I will be linking up with Many Little Blessings for Top Ten Tuesday and We Are THAT Family for Works For Me Wednesday.  Be sure to check them out!

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome, Nikki! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. you are hilarious, this post just made my day :))
    but sometimes I look to pinterest to look at the latest trends

    Pinterest is a great way to socialized with everyone :)
    I love Pinterest's unique interface :)

    Just in case you haven't heard. There's also another site developed for Pinterest user to submit their favorite pins, discuss and do social voting as well. You might want to check it out.

    1. Nina: thanks for letting me know about pinfaves. I'll have to check it out!

  3. Too funny and true! I do love me some Pinterest though!!!!

    1. Bridget: Thanks for stopping by! I love Pinterest, too. That's how I know about all this funny stuff :)

  4. I use LOL too often when I type, but I literally laughed out loud at your Ryan Gosling comment, those pins drive me bonkers. Also, love the last tip in the list. Ours are almost grown but I'm really glad Pinterest wasn't around when they were little.

    1. Tammy: Thanks for visiting. I know, right? Why Ryan Gosling? i don't get it...

  5. Replies
    1. glad I could bring some joy to your day :)

  6. You. Are. Hilarious. HILARIOUS! I was wishing there was a like button by each of the numbers. Although I'm not sure I can pick a favorite.

  7. #8, LOVE it. (Posted after spending 1/2 hour pinning crochet patterns)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep...I do the same thing! We women are crazy for our Pinterest! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. hahahahaha! Here's to gaining weight faster with lard bars! :)

    1. Naomi: YES! In fact, I made some tonight :) Lard bars for everyone!!

  9. I came back to read this one more time before I went to bed. I think #6 is my favorite! :)

  10. Haha! I really laughed out loud while reading these! For the record, the "lard" bars at house church were delicious--maybe the best ever... ;p

  11. Oh my goodness you had me laughing. These are awesome!!! I love number 2!!

  12. Too funny! If someone had never been on Pinterest, they now know exactly what to expect when they get there. LOL

  13. Love it!
    Ryan Gosling has kind of started freaking me out because of those posts. I'm MARRIED, I don't want him suggesting such things to me. :)
    And love you idea of romantic I love you quotes.

  14. Oh my LORD I am shaking with laughter again. What a great Finding the Funny entry!

    DIY stuff, Ryan Gosling, Word Art in the bedroom, layered desserts. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

    Pinterest gives me a complex.

  15. You are inspiring me to get back on Pinterest more! This was funny. I really love those someecards, too. They always crack me up! (Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny!)


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