
Mar 6, 2012

Things I Learn From Reality TV

As you all know, I am a reality show junkie.

My husband may say that it's all trash, (and he may be right...), but I think I actually learn a lot from these shows. 

So today, I am sharing some of my reality-show-found-wisdom with you.

No thanks required :)

10.  Spray tans don't look good on anyone.  If you think they make you look good, you're kidding yourself.  You look orange.  And nobody is fooled.  It's winter.  In Michigan. The jig is up.

9.  Giving Yourself A Nickname Isn't Cool.  In fact, names like "The Situation" and "JWOW" just make you sound ridiculous.  And if you must give yourself a name, make it something that actually describes you, like "No Class Jenny" or "Drunk and Dumb Mike".

8.  Lots of Women Call Themselves Housewives, and they Aren't Even Married.  It's weird because 'wife' is even in the title, but somehow, some women don't seem to catch on...

7.  Who Needs Talent?  All you need to be famous is a naughty little video tape and rich parents!  In fact, after your infamous tape, your whole family can be reality TV stars!  It really is the land where anything is possible...

6.  Teach your boys that life is about more than GTL.  If you don't know what that means, good for you!  You just earned several points in my book.  Unfortunately, I do know what it means.  It's Gym, Tan, Laundry.  Apparently, to lots of young men, this is a productive day.

5.  Getting Married After Three Weeks Isn't A Good Idea.  Imagine if your daughter came home and said she met a hot guy a few weeks ago, and while he was dating her, he was also dating twenty other women.  But now, after lots of drinking, group dates and spending a night in a 'fantasy suite', he's chosen her, so they're getting married.  Nope, doesn't sound good now, huh?

4.  Mob Life Isn't What We Thought.  We all watched movies like The Godfather and GoodFella's and thought that Mob life looked kind of glamorous.  But apparently, being a Mob Wife just means you like to drink, curse and fight.  We have another name for that in the Midwest.  It's called white trash.  (was that over the line?...)

3.  If You Go On A Show Called 'Survivor', You Might Want To Know A Little Bit About Surviving.  At least learn to build a fire.  Surely they had *some* warning that they were going to be on the show...

2.  I Could Never Be A Sister Wife.  I mean, all that help with the kids, cooking, etc. sounds great.  But if 'sister' wants to join my husband in bed, we're gonna have issues.

1.  Pay For College!  If I've learned anything from Reality TV, it's that I don't want my daughter's on it!

Hope you enjoyed Today's Top Tuesday :)  Hop on Over to Many Little Blessings and check out all the other Top Ten's from Today!

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings


  1. This is hilarious! Gotta say, I didn't know what GTL was. Good to know! haha

    Visiting from Many Little Blessings!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Erica! Please come again. Glad to help with all the cool new slang words :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Anne. I knew you would get my twisted humor :)

  3. Love the list...way to go! The first one (#10)reminds me of a girl on the Bachelor's Tell All episode last night...she was literally ORANGE, soooo very ORANGE with bleach blond hair, that it made me gasp! :)

    1. Thanks, Beth. I know, the orange girls are weird. How can they think they look good?

  4. Hehehe :P. I don't understand the fascination with having to be tan. I'm a pasty white all of winter and spring and I don't mind one bit. I also love {some}reality tv shows.

    1. Miranda: Thanks for stopping by! I'm pasty, too, and I just roll with it. If my only other option is orange, then I guess I'll just look like a ghost.

  5. I don't watch much reality television at all, but this made me burst out laughing, from what I do know. I wouldn't have known GTL but I saw it on Jimmy Fallon when they do their spinoff -- "Jersey Floor."

    1. Angie: Thanks for stopping by! I haven't seen the Jimmy Fallon skit, but now I'm going to look it up! I LOVE Jimmy Fallon.

  6. Oh you make me giggle. And boy did I need a giggle today! I too had no idea what gtl was, thanks for the lesson!

    1. Glad I could be of assistance :)Hope your day is better today!

  7. I literally laughed out loud at this. I sat there trying to figure out what GTL stood for. I was trying all these different ways in my head. LOL
    I also could never be a sister wife. I would love to have help and shared duties but my hubby is mine and I prefer to keep it that way. :)
    Also love the one about survivor. No doubt I do believe that I would be practicing my fire making skills if I was to ever apply. (not liking going to apply though. )

    1. Sherri: Thanks for stopping by. I'm not proud of my reality knowledge, (okay, maybe a little...), but I *have* learned quite a bit. Hope you come back soon :)

  8. Fellow reality show junkie here, your words ring wise and true! haha, nothing like a little head-shaking at what people will do to make you feel better about your life ;)

  9. I love you even more after this post! I too am a reality show junkie...hilarious!

  10. I love you even more after this post! I too am a reality show junkie...hilarious!

  11. "You look orange. And nobody is fooled. It's winter. In Michigan. The jig is up." Too funny! Lists like this make me happy we no longer have a TV. When we did I would binge watch this stuff like a bad habit!
    (stopping over from finding the funny)
    -Mama Mzungu

  12. Ha! great list. Love #1 and #10!!!
    Came from finding the funny!

  13. Are you sure about those spray tans? Dagnabbit! I saw a sign advertising those and was tempted. I guess I'll take your word for it. :) (Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny!)


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