
Jul 27, 2012

Random Stuff for Friday

A few things swirling around in this brain of mine, so I thought I would share!

  • Starting Monday, I'll be doing some Back To School posts.  Stay tuned!
  • Cheer camp also starts for us next Monday, and I am not nearly as prepared as I should be!
  • My oldest, Addy, had a little stomach thing earlier this week and I just know that it's going to strike the rest of us JUST as cheer camp starts. That is soooo my luck!
  • I have the best intentions of eating right and exercising, but why does food have to taste so good?  And why is exercise from the devil?
  • I haven't been on a date with my hubby in a while now, and I seriously need one.  But I don't see any time in the near future that it's going to be possible because our schedules are so crazy! :(
  • Speaking of my hubby, August 31st will be our 10 year Anniversary and I still haven't thought of anything special for us to do.  Money is tight this time of year, so no big trip, but we still want to do something a little more special than going out to dinner... Any ideas??
  • Still waiting for the housekeeper, the cook and the nanny to show up.
  • I hate it that this summer has been so short, but I'm REALLY ready for the kids to go back to school.  I think they're ready too.
  • Iced Coffee is one of God's greatest inventions!
  • Big Brother is in full swing right now and I am LOVING it!  Janelle continues to be one of my all time faves, but Mike Boogie is driving me bonkers with his arrogance.
  • And while we're on the topic of reality TV, I think Emily (on the Bachelorette) made the right choice.  I ADORED Arie, (maybe more than I should have), but I think Jef was suited more for Emily.  Here's hoping Arie is the next Bachelor!

That is all :)  Have a great weekend!

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