
Jun 16, 2013

A Star Wars Kind of Father's Day

When my girls and I were deciding what to do for my hubby for Father's Day, we tried to think of things that HE would enjoy.

Besides Phish, (and if you don't know who Phish is, then good for you!  Some day, I'll write about how this band has made it's way into my life, and into the lives of my children.  Until then...), my hubby has one lifelong love.

Star Wars.

It started when he first saw the movie at age 3, and has continued ever since.

I'm sure if he thought I would allow it, he would be one of those guys that dresses up in authentic Stormtrooper gear and parades himself around at various Star Wars conventions.

But he doesn't think I would allow it.

He may or may not be right.

BUT, on Father's Day, it's all about him!

We started our day by waking him up with the hugs, cards, and the Best Donuts EVER!

The girls has even made him a sign earlier in the week that said, "We Love You More Than You Love Donuts!"

After daddy ate his donuts and watched a little ESPN,  it was movie time!  We all settled in for a viewing of The Empire Strikes Back!

When it was time for lunch, we had some Hans Solo Sandwiches, Skywalker Watermelon, Princess Leia Pretzels, Wookie Cookies, and Jedi Juice.  All on Star Wars plates, of course :)

Daddy even got a special cup!

The girls and I had even made Lightsabor's out of pool noodles and Duct Tape earlier in the week.  After the movie, an EPIC battles ensued!

The girls decorated these mugs for his desk at work.  We used Sharpies and baked them, according to the instructions on this post I got from Pinterest.

After all of our Star Wars themed activities, daddy watched the Cubs game, I got a nap ( husband EVER!), and then we had daddy's favorite dinner: Chipotle!  And of course, I made him key lime pie for dessert, which is also one of his faves!

We also celebrated my father-in-law earlier in the weekend.  As his gift, the girls and I picked strawberries from a nearby field, washed and chopped them, and then used this recipe to make Strawberry Jam.

Faith loved being able to pick the berries right off the vine!

Addy was impressed that we could get as many as we wanted!

We not only gave him a bottle to take home, but we invited him over to enjoy some with us for a Father's Day breakfast!


He really is a wonderful Grandad to my girls, and a great Father to my husband and I!

Grandparent love!

Here's hoping that you all enjoyed Father's Day as much as we did here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)


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