My mother-in-law made a HUGE meal and invited us all over, and it was wonderful! The girls had a great time playing with their aunt Molly and impressing her with their story-telling skills, (I think we heard the three little pigs about 5 times that day). And I was glad because all the excitement from the day wore them out and they went right to sleep when they got home :)
On Sunday, my dad and step mom came over to celebrate Addy's birthday, which was in January.
In all fairness, we had to cancel her original birthday celebration because of the previously mentioned lice incident but I will admit that April is perhaps a little late to still be celebrating.
But, of course, Addy had a great time, and felt really special to still be celebrating 3 months later, (how can I get in on that plan?).
We had presents and birthday cookie cake and lots of fun playing board games, and her new DS games with the grandparents.
For all the craziness that it sometimes brings when you spend time with extended family, I am so thankful that my girls have a lot of family close by who love them and want to spend time with them.
I really believe that is a gift to them, and that while they might not appreciate it so much now, they will eventually treasure the memories that are made.
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