
Sep 20, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Desserts I Want Someone To Make For Me

I have a Love/Hate relationship with desserts.

I love to eat them.

I hate having to make them.

It's not that I mind baking so much, but I'm just not that great at it.

If it's SUPER simple, I can pull it off.

Other than that, it's best if I stick to cooking.

BUT, there are SOOOOOO many yummy desserts that I have been pinning lately, and I want to try them.

So, who wants to make them for me??

I will cook dinner.

Pretty Please???

Oh well.  Here are the list of Top Ten Desserts that I am *hoping* someone will make for me :)

10.  Cherry Chocolate Kisses.  These look amazing and I imagine that they taste a little like Cherry Garcia Ice Cream, (which happens to be one of my faves!)

9. German Chocolate Brownie Bars.  Yes please!

8.  Pink Lemonade Pie.  I know summer is over, but this sounds too good to wait another year for!

7.  Apple Dumplings from The Pioneer Woman!  Anything by The Pioneer Woman is good, so you can't go wrong here!

6.  Pumpkin Crunch Cake!  Tis The Season...

5.  Best Ever Cream Cheese Cookies.   I think I should be the judge of that :)

4.  Slow Cooker Chocolate Nutella Bread Pudding!  You had me at Nutella...or Bread Pudding...or Chocolate...

3.  Brown Butter and Cheddar Apple Pie.  I LOVE Cheddar with Apple Pie so this sounds SUPER yummy to me!

2.  Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake Madness.  If anyone tells me how many calories are in this, we cannot be friends anymore.

1.  Salted Caramel Tart.  I am *slightly* obsessed with Salted Caramel anything right now.  You can thank Starbucks for that.

So there you have it.  If you need my address to drop off the goods, just email me :)

I am linking up with Oh Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday.  Hop on over and see what the rest of the bloggy world is listing this week! 


  1. Mmm... salted caramel... you're making me hungry!

  2. YUM! I homeschool and cooking is a big part of our school day, especially during the Holiday season! I have copied these recipes and can't wait to try them!
    Thanks for sharing! :-)


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