
Jan 9, 2012

The Birthday Weekend

Last Friday was Addy's 8th Birthday.

What?  It feels strange to even type that.

How in THE WORLD could I have an 8-year-old?

Because I am clearly not older than 25.

Or so...

Ahem.  Anyhoo, it was a weekend full of birthdayness.

Friday evening we had a small family party.  I made all of Addy's favorite foods, which included mini corndogs, mac and cheese, (the boxed kind), mini sloppy joes, chips, and veggies and dip.

Obviously my kids have gourmet tastes.

But we did have cake!

In fact, we had this FABULOUS cake made by my friend Cortney from Sweet Top Cakery! 

After then it was time for presents.  Which, by the way, is getting more difficult.

I am finding that buying for an eight-year-old is delicate business.  She still wants toys, but not baby toys. 

Which seems to be every toy.

And while she is beginning to like clothes as gifts, she is VERY picky about the clothes she gets.

Apparently, only skinny jeans,  leggings, and "cute tops" (I wasn't aware I was buying "uncute" tops?), are acceptable choices.

I did the best I could.

But we also bought her new bedding because she recently inherited our queen size bed.  And grey is not a cool color for an eight year old girl's bedding.  (At least I know that...)

Saturday was her friend party.  Addy wanted to have a slumber party, and that was fine with me, but I had to limit the number of girls invited.  Because if Addy had it her way, we would have had 25 girls here.

I have to draw the line somewhere.

Since she pretty much planned the entire thing herself, I wanted some element of surprise for her.  I found this super cute idea of a candy bar on Pinterest, and I knew she would love it.

While my husband took Addy and her younger sister out for the afternoon, I decorated and set up the bar.


In fact, she said it was her favorite part of the party.

Yay for mom!!!

The girls had so much fun together, and I had fun watching them.

They painted their nails and made these cute little sleeping masks.

They made their own pizza's and chowed down on fruit, veggies, and chips for dinner.

Then we had yummy cookie cake and Opened Presents.

They watched movies, ate popcorn and danced to music.

They laughed, and were silly and talked about clothes, and music all their favorite things.

They stayed up SUPER late, (1am), and played games like truth or dare and would you rather, (with mom's supervision of course!).

They slept in late (8am), and then had cinnamon rolls and smoothies for breakfast.

I would say it was pretty close to perfect!

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