
Jan 26, 2012

Things I Love Thursday: Kangaroo Brand Flatbread

It seems like forever that I have been on the search for the perfect pizza crust for when we make pizza at home.

I have tried frozen premade, refrigerated premade, non-refrigerated premade, and recipes to make your own

Some of them were okay, and some were just awful, but we never found one that our whole family loved...

until I tried using Kangaroo Flatbread!

I kind of accidentally stumbled upon these when I was looking for a quick way to make individual pizzas for my daughter's birthday party.  I thought, "these girls won't care so much what they taste like.  they'll just like making their own".

But oh man was I surprised when not only did the girls at the party love them, but my whole family.  In fact, my husband told me to put them on the regular dinner rotation!

So, we have been having 'make-your-own' pizza night a lot lately.  And what's even better is that these flatbreads bake up quick, so dinner is done in about ten minutes. 

And did I tell you how affordable they are?  A package of five is only about $2, so it's not only a quick dinner idea, it's inexpensive too! 

I love it when I win!!!

I am linking up with The Diaper Diaries for Things I Love Thursday.  Be sure to head over and check out all the other 'things' getting blog love today!

1 comment:

  1. I have a GREAT recipe for homemade crust. I will be trying these too!


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