
Feb 10, 2012

Some Stuff About Me

Creative Kristi Designs

Okay, so today I am linking up to a couple of Blissdom blogs so that those lovely bloggers who will be going to Blissdom can get to know me better!


And also for those who may be new readers of this little blog...I hope that you feel like we're old friends once you finish reading :)

So here's some random stuff about me:

-My name is Ricki.

-I am a mom to 2 silly, sweet, funny, smart, and energetic little girls named Addy (8) and Faith (5).

-My fantastic husband and I have been married almost ten years, and I am even more madly in love with him today than the day we married!

-I am a Stay-at-Home mom and I think it is the best and most challenging job in the whole world.

-I LOATHE cleaning.  My husband is the cleaner in our relationship, and that *may be* the secret to our success.

-I love cooking and baking.  But I am a good cook, and, well, I do my best at baking :)

-I enjoy taking photos but I wish I had a better camera.

see what I mean...

-Fashion is one of my many passions.  If I were young and single, I would totally be living in New York trying to work in the fashion industry.

-I watch way too much TV...mostly reality.  I should feel guilty about it but I don't.

-I am a cheer coach to 1st and 2nd grade little girls.

-I have been on a diet since I was about 6.  It's not going very well...

-I am very outgoing and get my energy from other people.  But sometimes, when I first meet people, I can be shy.  I've been told it sometimes comes off as stuck up or uninterested, but it's truly just my insecurities.

-I love bright colors but mostly wear black and grey.  I have no idea why.
at least I put a yellow flower on...

-I like all kinds of music including hip hop and rap.  In fact, I'm the mom driving around in her minivan, bass pumping, and singing along to Will. I. Am. and Jay Z.  My kids are gonna be sooo embarrassed some day, but right now they think I'm cool.

-I love to travel and really wish we were able to do more.  My favorite family vacation place is Disney World.  I'm obsessed!!

-I like to sleep in and I am NOT a morning person.  I need at least 8 hrs to feel human, and in fact, my husband was always the one to get up with our babies because he could handle sleep deprivation much better than I. 

-I have some of the BEST girlfriends in the world!!  God has truly blessed me in that area of my life and I am soooo thankful!!

3 of my closest friends and I at a birthday party...yes, we're all crazy!

Those ladies who have been in my life a loooong time and I Love them!

-I love to read and right now I am into The Hunger Games series.  It's REALLY good!

-I have 3 sisters.

My 3 sisters, my mom and I.

-I like playing board games and cards.  Especially Euchre.  But I'm not that good.

-I have a gazillion ideas for books I would like to write, (novels), but I never write any of them.

-I love to dance!!!  If there is music, I will dance, and I don't care at all what I look like.,  (Okay, maybe I care a little.  But I don't let it stop me)

-My mom and father-in-law are both battling cancer right now.  It's tough, but we're getting through it.

-I love this little blog of mine.  I startd it about a year ago and it's kind of my escape.  It's so fun to share all of the craziness of my life here.

-planning fun activities for my family is definitely one of my passions!  I get so much happiness out of seeing them have a good time.

Our family in Chicago

-I am really nervous and super excited to be going to my first blogging conference in just 2 weeks!!  I hope I make some new friends, have a fun and relaxing weekend, and learn some stuff along the way.

-My most important relationship is with Christ.  I'm His and He's mine :)

Well, there you go.  That may be more than you ever wanted to know, but it's all true and it's all me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ricki, I am super excited and nervous about the Blissdom conference, this will be my first one too. Great About me post. Hope I get a chance to meet you next week!


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