
Feb 17, 2012

Taco Pasta and Other Stuff

It's a random Friday post again...because my life seems to be just a whole lot of randomness lately.

I went to the doctor this morning and it seems I may have a pretty bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome.  So now I'm wearing these oh-so-attractive wrist splints around all day (and night too).  Pretty sure they aren't trending for spring 2012...

I have pretty much narrowed down what I'm wearing to Blissdom to about 12 outfits {I'm gonna be there 4 days}.  I swear that no matter how determined I am to pack light, I always end up convincing myself that I *need* every pair of shoes I own.

I have finally stepped into the previous century and purchased a laptop.  But don't get too excited.  It's a used laptop from 2009.  Wouldn't want anyone to think we got all rich up in here.

We are having our roof replaced, and it is MUCH louder than I expected.  The girls have actually been frightened at times thinking that the roof was caving in.  I have also been frightened, but for much different reasons, (ummmm, anyone else think that roofing guys can be kinda scary??)

Oh, and I just want go on record that I think Pinterest has made me a better mother, wife and friend.

The sheer number of great ideas I have implemented since joining has been amazing.

Perfect example is last night.

I had not made dinner for my family at all this past week.  In fact, if it hadn't been for our house church, every dinner this week would have been fast food.  #Mommafail

So yesterday I was feeling guilty about it, but still wondering what in the world I would make for dinner with the short amount of time and ingredients I had.  I looked onto my recipe board on Pinterest and remembered that there was a Taco Pasta dish I was wanting to make.  I had almost all the stuff on hand, so I started it up. 


It only took about 20 minutes to make, and EVERYONE LOVED IT!!!  Addy even ate seconds, which she *never* does.  It's kind of like a homemade hamburger helper without all the preservatives etc.  I will say that I substituted the cream for sour cream, since that's what I had, and it worked out wonderfully.  It also made a TON!

Here is the link to the recipe.  It's from a wonderful blog called Lauren's Latest.  She has a whole mess of amazing recipes that I want to try!  I hope you get a chance to try out the Taco Pasta and love it as much as my family did!

Have a great weekend and I'll see ya back here on Monday!

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