
Feb 6, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Homemade Valentines for Kids

I have a confession to make:

I have NEVER made homemade valentines for my children to hand out.

{Gasp!  I know, you can hardly believe it! :) }

But it's true.  I'm always that mom that is at Walgreens at 8pm the night before my kids valentines party trying to find an acceptable cartoon valentine that my kids won't be too embarrassed to hand out.

I don't know why I procrastinate on this task every year.

Maybe it's because I never had great valentines to hand out as a kid, (my mom was a procrastinator too when it came to valentines...)

Maybe it's because I think it's ridiculous to spend $10 on silly cards PLUS then you have to buy candy, (BTW, I have learned that you NEVER give out a valentine without candy attached.  That's like Valentines 101 nowadays!), when kids only care about the candy anyway.

Or maybe it's just because I'm a procrastinator.

But for whatever reason, I never seem to be able to get it together.

But this year, I'm giving it the old college try and am going to attempt to make homemade valentines with my girls.

Preferably before February 13th at 8pm.

So here are the Top Ten ideas I have found for homemade Valentines:

10.  I "Wheelie" Like You.  This is a great valentine for a boy!

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9.  You are O"Fish"ally The Best.  You could do this with Swedish fish or Goldfish crackers!

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8.  I Like The Way You Roll.  For the gangsta in all of us...

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7.  Every Day I Like You S'more.  Who doesn't like S'mores??

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6.  You're Just WRITE for me.  Cute idea, especially if you can't don't want to give candy.  (But remember what I said about Valentines 101...)

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5.  I'm Bursting with happiness That You're My Friend.  This is cute and not too mushy!

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4.  You Sure Are Kool.  Very Clever, and Kool-aid packs are cheap, which is a plus for momma!

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3.  I'm a Sucker For You.  Would be cute with a heart shaped lolly pop.

I'm a Sucker Classroom Valentine's Day Cards

2.  I Really Dig You Valentine.  Another cute idea and you could really put any kind of candy in the shovel.

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1.  You Color My World.  SUCH a creative idea!  You melt down crayons and then cool them in heart shaped molds to create a marbled crayon to give away!  How fun is that?!

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Do you have some creative homemade valentine ideas to share? 

I will be linking up with Oh Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday and We are THAT Family for Works for Me Wednesday.  Be sure to check them out!

Top Ten {Tuesday}

1 comment:

  1. Cute ideas! Last year we packaged small containers of playdough bought on clearance after Christmas along with red and white m and m's. It was a big hit with my kids' classmates.


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