
Apr 18, 2012

We All Have "Junk"

Unless you have been hiding in a cave for a few years, then you know that healthy, clean eating and living is the new trend.

People are starting to go more organic and whole, and less processed.  People don't want stuff they can't pronounce in their food.  And people, especially moms, are starting to wage war on an industry that is contributing to obesity and other diet related problems and illnesses.

I think it's all great!

Except this one little thing...

When people, especially moms, start not only watching what they feed their family, but start judging what other moms feed their kids.

I hate that.

For example, I try to make better choices with my kids.  We eat less red meat.  I limit sugar.  I don't let them eat fast food chicken nuggets (AKA, pink slime). 

But I DO give them the occasional Oreo.  And I never make my own, homemade cheez-its. And we eat fast food.  And don't even get me started on ice cream.   My kids LOVE ice cream.  And so do I. 

And the bottom line is, I don't want you to judge me for it.  Because we are making changes at our own pace. 

Do we need to eat better?  Yes!

Is it realistic for us to change overnight?  No!

And if you're honest with yourself, you have "junk" in your life too. 

Mary, over at Giving Up On Perfect wrote this GREAT post yesterday that pretty much sums up all the stuff I'm trying to say.  She is a terrific writer who knows just how to get the message across in a witty and wonderful way.

PLEASE click on over and check it out!  You will NOT be disappointed!!!

So tell me, what's your "junk" (or McDonald's as Mary would say)? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, mine is TOTALLY too much TV. I have come to a point where I cannot accept any more shows into my routine because my attention is spread to thin ;)


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