
May 7, 2012

And a Friend's A Friend Forever...

If you're singing the next part to that Michael W. Smith song, then you're as cool as I am.

Which isn't cool at all...sorry about that.

But the reason I am thinking about that song, (which, BTW, once in your head will take HOURS to get out!), is because I had a weekend full of friends, and it was Fabulous!

On Friday a few blogging friends, (OAMM, Shaded Jade, and Deals For Dayton), and I got together and had Dinner for Eight. 

When we went to Blissdom...

If you haven't heard of this fun little dinner, let me fill you in.

You get 4 couples, (or 8 people, however that works out), and each pair hosts dinner once per month.  When you are the host, you make the main dish and then hand out assignments for the other courses, which include recipes.  Then you all come together and have a fun evening of great food and good fun.  Or, in our case, great food and the most side splitting, pant wetting, can't breathe because you're laughing so hard kind of fun that you have ever had!

Once A Month Mom hosted this month and she had a Cinco de Mayo theme...(truth be told, I think she stole my idea from last week's post...just sayin').  It was really, really good.  And in case you were wondering, OAMM is the perfect host, and also Super funny!  It was JUST what I needed after a long and frustrating week.

And on Saturday, three of my best friends and I got together to celebrate Carrie's birthday.  We shopped, ate yummy food, shopped some more, got mani's and pedi's, ate more food, shopped some more...ya know, a perfect day!

last year at Amy's birthday

I love these ladies and all the crazy fun we have together.  And BOY have we had some crazy fun...

But  a weekend like this really makes me think about how blessed I am to have such amazing friends.  And I'm not talking about wishy washy friends who come and go, and who are there when it's convenient.

I'm talking about the kind of friends who are there for life.  They encourage me, cheer me on, accept me for who I am, challenge me, call me out when I need it, show me grace, pray for me, listen to me, and love me.

And I just couldn't be more grateful for their friendships. 

Hope you all had a great weekend too!


  1. if the Lord's the Lord of them. And a friend will not say never, because a welcome will not end. Hahaha! love ya woman!

  2. I started singing the song right when I saw the title of your post!! ha! Can't wait to see what your writing about in 50 years when we are old, wrinkly and still doing peace signs in pictures :) So very thankful for you!!!

  3. I'm just sad you didn't post that little gem of a picture I gave you Friday night ;) I started singing the song, too, when I saw your title! Love you, lady.


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