
Aug 14, 2012

Don't Be {THAT} Mom

School is starting, and you have a choice to make.

What kind of mom will you be this year?

Here are some Moms you DON'T want to be!

1.  The Hooker Mom.  No one wants to see you prancing into school with the words "Juicy" or "Pink " on your behind.  It's a school, not a meat market.  And by the way, it's also inappropriate to send your six year old to school with anything across her behind too.

2.  The Over Achiever Mom.  Other mom's don't like her, because she makes us look bad.  Don't volunteer for every.  single.  thing.  And at least ONCE, send in something that is NOT homemade!

3.  The Clueless Mom.  Teachers hate this mom.  They send home all those information packets for a reason.  Try reading it. 

4.  The Gossip Mom.  It's a quick way to lose friends and get a bad rep.  Unless of course you are gossiping about celebrities.  In which case, Gossip On My Friend!

5.  The Mom whose Kids are ALWAYS right.  No kid is perfect and every kid has issues.  Little Johnny did hit that girl.  And for no good reason.  Accept it.

6.  The Bragging Mom.  We know your husband is a doctor.  And you're building your dream house.  And you just got back from Fiji.  And you bought a new Mercedes.  And you lost 15 pounds.  And your nanny is the best.  Yay for you!  Now quit telling us about it.

7.  The Slacker Mom.  You know, the mom who never helps at the dreaded classroom party, or worse yet, volunteers and then never follows through?  Or the mom who can't even send in a bag of chips on teacher luncheon day?  Yeah, don't be her.

8.  The Green/Whole Foods Mom.  It's all well and good that you buy raw milk, save rain water in a barrel, and plan to save the Earth one sheet of saved paper at a time.  But please, for the love of parents everywhere, stop insisting that the entire classroom participate in your projects.  When I'm ready to make my kid's clothes out of grass, I'll let you know.

9.  The Bad Mood Mom.  Grumpy is not a lifestyle.  Even if you have to fake it, try acting happy every once in a while.

10.  The Sales Mom.  We don't want to buy your Tupperware, or your Avon, or your energy/diet drink that will take off 100 pounds in three weeks and make me feel like a new person.  (Okay, if you *actually* sell something that promises that, call me!).  The classroom is not your new sales territory.  Quit asking!

Here's hoping for a great year of wonderful teachers, well behaved children, and sane parents.

I will be linking up with Many Little Blessings for Top Ten Tuesday and We Are THAT Family for WFMW.


  1. Oh my gosh this is soooo funny! You had me laughing out loud! i think I might be Mom 2 and 8!!! Haahaa oh dear.....

    1. I'm glad I could give you a laugh today :) And thanks for stopping by! I love new readers!!

  2. That list absolutely cracked me up! Love and miss you girl!

  3. This cracks me up!! Especially as a teacher!

    1. Thanks for commenting, and for stopping by :)

  4. Visiting from We are THAT Family. I laughed out loud, too. I'm not gonna admit which mom I may or may not have been:-)
    Teachers like me deal with all these types, too. Just makes for an interesting year. I love it when I "get the kid in trouble". Really?

    1. Glad I could give you a laugh, Sylvia! And I know what you mean about "getting the kid in trouble". Apparently, every child is perfect and the teachers are the only ones who make mistakes :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I loved this and shared it on my nailed it!

    1. Thanks, Jen! Glad you liked it :)

  6. This is funny, but true! I have met all those moms at one time or another. I hope I haven't been one of them. Although with my first I may or may not have been #2.

  7. My children had to ask me why I was laughing so hard. I don't think I'll forget that clothes made out of grass comment. So funny! People are always giving me a hard time about why I don't compost. I tried it--and the winds that we have here came and blew it all over the yard, and my husband said, NO MORE! Plus it's realy hard tocompost everything; I have 33 fruit trees, which means tons of pruning. You can't compost branches. Especially not when you live in a small yard!

    I'm the homeschool mom, so I'm sure you have some choice titles for us, too. I'm sure they're hilarious, too!

  8. I love this!! I laughed when I knew how many Moms like this I had seen. I might have been number 2 for a bit but then burned myself out so I became number 7. Now I am a even mix.

  9. This is great! Thanks for putting that out there

  10. This is awesome. My daughter isn't school-age yet, so I haven't really met "THAT" mom, but I can so picture it! After all, THAT mom, was THAT girl in high school once. And THAT annoying kid before that. Great post. Found you on Finding the Funny. :)


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