
May 14, 2011

Because Momma's Want To Look Good Too

So yesterday I clicked on the tv in the middle of the day, (don't've done it too!), and found a talk show doing a segment on what to wear for different occasions.

Now, you may not know it by looking at me, but I LOVE fashion! 

I read gobs of magazines, I scour the Internet, and I will watch ANY makeover show.  I just love getting new ideas and seeing what you can do to change up your look.

The only problem is, I can never figure out how to apply it to myself.  For a long time my idea of a nice mommy outfit was anything that didn't have a hole, a stain, and that fit.  If you came to my house and didn't find me in my jammies, then that was a good day.  I just struggled to find clothes that were cute, inexpensive, fit well and were durable enough to last through play dates at the park and arts and crafts at home.

And sure enough, this show proved my point that it seems like everyone who comes up with this stuff is out of touch with what a momma who is actually INVOLVED with her kids can/should wear.

For the 'Kid's Event Look', they had the model in a super long skirt, a nice shirt, a pair of high shoes, a Kate Spade bag and designer sunglasses.  Ummm, are you kidding me?!

I'm not sure what "Kid's Event" they are attending, but I hope it's not one with my kids because I can tell you right now that within minutes that skirt would be torn, (or have a 4-year-old hiding under it), the shirt would have a huge strawberry stain all over it, the shoes would be ruined from chasing my girls through the mud, and that beautiful purse would not fair well holding snotty tissues, goldfish crackers and juice boxes.

I mean, really, have they ever even SEEN a child?

Fortunately, I have some fabulously fashionable friends who have inspired me.  They have kids, (who they actually play with), AND they know how to put an outfit together.  If you haven't checked out my friend Maria's blog, be sure to head over.  I am in awe of the stuff she puts together.  It seems so effortless, and yet it looks so good.  (I guess it helps when your gorgeous, though).

I have also been inspired by some of the other numerous blogs I read.  These mommas know how to look amazing and the best part is, they share their style secrets with the rest of the world!  Some of these other blogs you may want to check out are:  Little Miss Momma, Momma Go Round, and The Pleated Poppy. 

Below, I am listing some of my favorite things for this summer that a momma can handle.  Take a look and tell me what you like, and what you don't!  And be sure to share some of your favorite momma trends for summer, too!

This whole look is from Old Navy...LOVE the cardigan with the tunic and capris!

 This look is from Gap.  You can never go wrong with a skirt and jacket...

...See what I mean!  (this look is from Old Navy).  Love that the bright skirt gives it that fun pop of color

This look is Gap.  Super Classic, Very Chic! 

This shirt is from WalMart and only $8!  It looks so comfy and I think it would be great with a pair of capri's or bermudas and a cardigan over it! 

 If you haven't been to Forever 21 for accessories, then you NEED. TO. GO.   Always cute, and always inexpensive! 
 Forever 21


  1. ricki-what are the blue shoes called at piperlime? i am loving them!

  2. Annie: I thinik so too! They are the Sperry Top-Sider Lakeside. Here is the link to them online if you are interested:

  3. Thanks for stopping by today. I love all the things you've picked in this post. We have similar styles.

    My "uniform" for work was always a black pair of pants with a blouse. Recently I decided I needed to update my wardrobe and went to Ross. Do they have those near you? I got a week of outfits for $100!

    My biggest problem is accessorizing. I'll have a cute outfit but it just needs some pop. So I've decided to start wearing my new outfits to work and heading to the accessory store at lunch to find the perfect accessories while I've got the out fit on!

    Cute blog!

  4. I watched this talk show episode also- I thought the exact same thing about the children's party outfit and the skirt was WHITE! I was like only a parent that just drops their kids off or just sits there could wear this outfit.
    I am following your blog now!


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