
May 12, 2011

Free Summer Activities

If you are like me, you are already planning your summer adventures.

For some of you, this may include a vacation to the beach, or a trip to Disney (I am SOOOO jealous!),  a visit to the Lake, or some other kind of fabulous trip.

For others, it may be that you will be spending your summer working on major house projects, or visiting relatives, or living the lavish lifestyle and partying it up with friends.

My summer will go something like this:

"Quit hitting your sister!"

"Stop complaining!"

"No you cannot watch more TV.  3 Hours is enough!"

"I'm bored too!"

"Come get your sunscreen on!"

"We just had McDonald's for lunch yesterday..."

"...Okay, we can go to Chick-fil-a today."

"Seriously?  I just bought that swimsuit!"

You get the idea. 

Basically, I will be spending my summer trying to fill time for my two girls.  And yes, we have pool passes, (which we will be using A LOT!), and yes, we are splurging for Kings Island season passes this year, too.  But I will need more in my arsenal of 'keep-em'-entertained' tricks.  So I have been searching out other options, (that are FREE or Cheap!), for our summer as well, and wouldn't ya know, I found a couple!

One thing that I signed us up for is FREE bowling!  Now, I am not such a huge bowling fan, but my girls really seem to enjoy it.  So this works out perfectly for me, because they get to entertain themselves for an hour or so, and I get to sit in an air-conditioned building and drink heavily read, (or have a grown-up conversation if I can bully a friend into tagging along!).  They get 2 FREE games per day, per kid!

If you are interested in signing up for this program, (you must sign-up ahead of time!), visit

Another FREE activity we will be checking into are the FREE movies at Rave Motion Pictures.  They will be offering these FREE movies on Tuesday's and Wednesday's at 10am for eight weeks during the summer at participating theaters.  A nice dark theater...Can someone say Nap Time for momma?!  If you want to check into it, you can visit

And of course, we will be doing plenty of other local things that are listed to the right of this post in the 'Upcoming Events" section. 

If you know of other FREE or cheap activities available to families this summer, PLEASE share!  This info. is like GOLD to stay-at-home moms on a budget :)


  1. we try to take advantage of the free storytimes at the libraries during the summer...washington-cv has open ones during the summer that you don't need to sign up for.

  2. also, i love splash parks in the summer...and free ones obviously top my list...i heard there's a new one opening in centerville on bigger next to polen farm... maybe you could compile a list of all the free ones in the area? i live down in springboro now and it's a long drive to orchardly park...are there any down in springboro/lebanon? might be a good post!

  3. Thanks for the suggestion, Megan! I will check into that!

  4. lovin' this blog entry! I am all about free! =) see you soon!


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