
Aug 9, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Back-To-School Gifts For Teachers

I don't know about you, but I like to send in a little something for the teachers on the first day of school.  I think it starts the year off on the right foot, and lets be honest, a little bribery never hurt anyone!

Honestly, I just want the teacher to know that I appreciate the effort they have put in to getting the classroom and lessons ready. 

But while I enjoy getting a small gift each year, sometimes I feel like my gift card and box of tissues doesn't seem all that original.  I know that they still appreciate the thought, but I want to do something more creative.  So this year, I set out to get some cool ideas and I am sharing the ones I found with you!

10.  One idea I thought of was to buy some nice honey or a honey gift basket with a note that said, "I'm So Glad You're going To BEE My Teacher!".  Maybe I would include a small gift card to a cute gift shop too.

9.  Love this idea of wrapping a nice calculator with the message, "According to My Calculations, It's Going to be a Great Year!".

8.  A pack of seeds and gardening gloves with a note that says, "Teachers Impart the Seeds of Knowledge That Grow Forever."

7. This SUPER CUTE wreath made of crayons.  Who wouldn't Love that?!

6.  An insulated cup with a little flag attached that says, "Thank You for Quenching Our Thirst For Knowledge!"  maybe include some instant drink packs with it, (Crystal Light etc.)

5.  Gift Card to Starbucks, (or other favorite coffee shop), with a note that says, "Thanks a Latte for All You Do."

4.  A Miniature Hershey Bar, A Marshmallow and Graham Crackers in a small gift bag that has the message, "We Need S'More Teachers Like You!"  A gift card to Target or the Teacher Supply Store would be nice to include too! 

3.  A six pack of A&W Root beer with a note that says, "My Teacher Is AW-some!"  Maybe include a gift card or candy with it!

2.  A Coffee Mug with colored Pencils and the mug says, "I Hope you Have a Colorful Year!"

1.  A bouquet of Flowers with a note that says, "If Teachers Were Flowers, I'd Pick You!"

Most of these ideas I got from Pinterest...(are you sensing a theme to many of my posts lately???).  I have found bunches of cute ideas and I am sure that I will find at least ONE that will work for us!

ALSO, I wanted to share this GREAT idea that a friend passed along to me a couple of years ago.  On the first day of school, your child will come home with bunches of papers for you to fill out.  I like to send one for the teacher to fill out on the first day to even the score a little :)

This paper is a list of his/her favorite things, like favorite pizza place, favorite soda, favorite color, his/her hobby, favorite candle scent, favorite candy, favorite place to shop, etc. 

That way, when it's time for me to send in a gift, I know exactly what he/she will appreciate!  Isn't that Genius?!  I did it last year and I loved knowing that the teacher would actually be able to enjoy what we were giving her.

***Check out this post for a FREE Printable of a cute little questionnaire that you can use!

And remember, even if you can't afford much, it really is the thought that counts.  Just let your teacher know that you are glad to be in the class and that you appreciate them!  That is what will really make their day!

As always, Linking up with Oh Amanda for Top Ten Tuesday!  Go ahead and check out all the other great Top Tens!


  1. Great ideas! It seems I end up the room mom often so I generally send the teachers a questionnairre like you mentioned and then email it to the parents. Parents and teacher always seem to appreciate it.

  2. Those are some pretty cute ideas! I am sure your kid's teachers will love the thought!!! :)

  3. These are cute -- I've seen some on Pinterest, and Tip Junkie, too.

  4. Such great ideas. As a former teacher my favorite gifts were when someone would make me dinner. That would be a great first day of school present

  5. I love these ideas. Since i just started selling Mary Kay, I am looking forward to seeing how creative I can be with giving Pampering Products to teachers and bus drivers. How great would Satin Hands be for that special bus driver? If you or anyone you know would be interested in seeing what is available, let me know. I will even do special occasion gift wrapping!

  6. Awesome ideas!!!! I LOVE the questionairre one! I'm doing that this year!

  7. Just genius! I love the tumbler idea and I ma typing out my list of favortie things for my kids teachers right now~!


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