
Aug 10, 2011

WFMW: Back-To-School Bread Recipe

We all have back-to-school traditions that we do with our kids. 

For some, it's going to see their classroom before school starts.

For some, it's having a special meal the first day.

For some, it's picking out a special first day outfit.

The list could go on...

FOR US, one of our favorite special traditions is Back-To-School Bread.

It is one of the things my girls look most forward to each year.

On the first day of school, as the time is drawing near for them to get home, I get out all the ingredients for this special treat.

Once they are home, (and I have taken a sufficient amount of pictures), then the girls get to go to the table and start making the bread.

Once it's all mixed, we put it into pans and put it in the oven to bake.  While it bakes, the girls get to tell me all about their first day and how much fun they had.

The smell of the bread fills the house while it bakes and it isn't long before they are asking how much longer until it's done.

Once it comes out, and is cool enough to eat, we slice ourselves some pretty big pieces and enjoy the bread together as they continue to share their day with me.

So if you haven't already figured out exactly what Back-To-School bread is...

Well, it's actually zucchini bread :)  {But is a SUPER Yummy Recipe!}

This tradition started on Addy's first day of kindergarten.  I was going to make zucchini bread that day because my mom had given us some huge zucchini's, but I knew Addy would want to help.  She loves to assist in the kitchen...

So I went ahead and got out all the ingredients while I waited on her bus, and once she got home, she was so excited and said, "This is the BEST day ever!  I get to go to school and make bread in the same day!"  So, we re-named this bread back-to-school bread and now we look forward to it every year.

Sooooo, here is the recipe for our Back-To-School Bread.  Simple and Easy, but oh so good!

Back-To-School Bread
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup oil
  • 2 cups raw zucchini, shredded
  • 1 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla
  • 2 cups flour


  •  Put zucchini into a strainer and press out excess liquid.

  •  Beat eggs, sugar and oil together. 

  •  Add flour, baking powder, soda, cinnamon, salt, vanilla, and nuts.
  •  Mix together by hand.
  •  Add zucchini (minus liquid).
  •  Beat mixture.
  •  Pour into 2 greased and floured loaf pans.
  •  Bake 45 minutes at 350°F.

So tell me about some of your Back-To-School Traditions!  Any special Recipe's?  What do your kids like to do?

As always, I am linking up with We Are THAT Family For Works For Me Wednesday.  Click over to see all the other great ideas!

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