
Sep 19, 2011

Mix It Up Monday: Let's Go Dancing!

A few weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 9th Anniversary.  We had agreed not to spend money on gifts, but I still wanted to do something special for him. 

So I got on Pinterest to search for ideas.  (Of course I did!)

And I found a GREAT one!   I planned one date per month for us that are in sealed envelopes and each month he gets to open one and we do it.

This past Friday was the first date, and it was Swing Dancing!

Now, my husband is NOT a dancer, so this was taking a chance that he would actually participate.

But since it was a double date with friends, and since it was a fundraiser for missionaries at our church, he went with it.

It was soooooo much fun!  We were totally not taking ourselves too seriously and it was great to do something we don't normally do together.

Before the evenings events, I was really struggling with what to wear.  It was a cool night here, but I knew that once we got to dancing, I would be hot.

Plus, I wanted to look cute on my date, but I still wanted to be comfy.

At first, I decided on a skirt with a short sleeve shirt and cardigan over it.

Skirt and Shoes: Goodwill, Black shirt: Old Navy, White Tank and Cardigan: Target

But this outfit just didn't seem like me.  I like all the pieces, and maybe to church or a wedding they would be fine.

But I needed something more fun.  So I changed into cropped jeans, threw on a different layering shirt and put a flower in my hair.

Cropped Jeans and Cardigan: Target, Shoes: Goodwill, Black Shirt: Old Navy, Striped Shirt: Clothing Swap (Old Navy), Hair Flower: Charming Charlie

There, that's more like me.

And my husband loved it too.  I think it's one of his new favorites :)

So this is what I wore on the first of our twelve pre-planned dates!

So tell me, what are some of your favorite dates?  AND, do you have a favorite date outfit?? 

I will be linking up with Momma Go Round for RMRS, and The Pleated Poppy for WIWW.


  1. VERY cute outfit! I'm glad you guys had fun. I know what you mean, that some outfits, while nice, seem a little too dressy.

    I felt like that a little yesterday when I went to my friends' reception. Even though I liked my outfit, I felt dressed up, which I don't really like.

    I followed you here from Real Momma, Real Style.


  2. Love the 2nd outfit soooo can certainly rock a flower in the hair! Do you remember YEARS ago (when you, me and Jackie used to get together) we went swing dancing at Fairhaven down in their basement...some college group event. That's the first time I ever did swing dancing and I LOVED it! Then you took us to some Campus Crusade Halloween party in Univ. of Cincy and I remember there was swing dancing there too. Someone tried to flip me and my heels got stuck in a string of lights and ripped them off the ceiling. Fun times!!!

  3. Oh, I love the cropped jeans and the cute hair clip!! A date?!? What is that? Ha, I'm kidding. The hubs & I don't "go out" on dates very often, but we have "date night" once a week or so after the kids are in bed where we order take out and watch a movie while snuggling in bed together. =)


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