
Jul 5, 2012

Grilled Cheese Perfection!

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Sometimes, it's the simple things that are the best.

Take grilled cheese for instance.

It's so simple, but soooooo yummy!

And, I make a pretty mean grilled cheese sandwich, if I do say so myself.

{Okay, it's not mean at all.  It's really very nice.  In fact, it could become your best friend.}

I actually prefer my grilled cheese over any other grilled cheese that I've ever had....even in those expensive restaurants!

And my family loves it, too. 

So, I'm sharing my grilled cheese secrets with you!

Here's what you need for 1 sandwich:

2 pieces of Texas Toast (you can use other bread, but this one is thick and holds up well against the crazy amount of cheese on this sandwich!)
Butter or margarine
2 slices of American Cheese
1 slice of Swiss Cheese
1 slice of Cheddar Cheese

Spray your pan with cooking spray and turn it on to medium heat.  While your pan is heating up, butter one side of each piece of bread. 

Lay one piece of bread, buttered side down, on your pan.  You should hear a slight sizzle. 

Now, this next step is important!  Lay 2 pieces of American Cheese down.  Then the Swiss, and then the Cheddar.  DO NOT mix up the order!  There is something about having the cheeses in that order that make it so good.  I think it's because the Swiss is a little bitter, and the American and Cheddar are sweeter. 

Next layer place the other piece of bread, butter side up, on top. 

After about 4-5 minutes, flip the sandwich over.  The side that was on the bottom first should be golden.


After another minute or so, go ahead and put a lid on top of the pan.  It helps the cheese to melt without having to leave your bread on too long.

After about 2 minutes, remove the lid and press down the sandwich slightly with your spatula.

Once the second side is golden brown, remove your sandwich and cut it across. 

Or straight.

Or in fours.

It's really your choice...

And just look at that yummy, melty cheese! 

WARNING:  The cheese will be molten hot at this point.  I know it's hard, but try to wait a few minutes to give it a chance to cool off.

And then enjoy the best grilled cheese you've ever had!

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