
Jul 9, 2012

The Ice Cream Extravaganza

Tomorrow my five year old will become a BIG 6 year old.

I'm still in denial about that.

But, I will tell you about the Ice Cream party we had this past weekend to celebrate!

I got this fun idea from Pinterest, (of course I did.  It's like I can't have one original thought anymore!), and I thought it would be perfect for her July birthday!

I had it all planned out.  We would have fun ice cream themed games and decorations and it would all be outside where there is plenty of room for that kind of messiness.

But then Ohio got all confused and thought it was Arizona for a few days.

And it was 105 degrees!!!!

Ummm, change of plans.

Pretty sure kids passing out from heat stroke wouldn't make for happy 6th birthday memories.

So, I ran to Target and got a slip-n-slide and a crazy sprinkler for the kids to play in, called all the parents and told them to bring swimsuits and towels, and set up the decorations and ice cream inside the best I could.

It wasn't *exactly* what I was planning for, but I still think it turned out pretty well.  The kids had a blast and my birthday girl said, "it was the BEST party EVER!".

Couldn't ask for more than that :)

Here are the details from the day...

We did pin the nose on the clown game first.  I had planned for pin the cherry on the sundae, but that didn't happen.

Then we read the story "The Ice Cream King" by Steve Metzger.

After that, it was time to sing to the birthday girl!  I had mini cupcakes for the kids, so she got to blow out her candle with those.

Then it was time for ice cream!

Toppings included: Chocolate, strawberry and caramel syrup, bananas, strawberries, crushed oreos, mini chocolate chips, gummy worms, m&m's, sprinkles, cherries and whipped cream.

We also had cones in case someone preferred that.

After eating, it was time for water games, and then the pinata, and then gifts.

And of course, after gifts the kids just wanted to play in the water again.

I don't blame them because I did too!

The ice cream table!

The fun ice cream bowls I found!


for decorations, I made "sundaes" out of tissue paper and red pom-poms.

Birthday Cupcakes

My sweet girl and her Sundae creation!

Kids enjoying their treats

Water fun!


Such a fun group of kids!


  1. We here at tiger tales are so glad that The Ice Cream King was part of your event, and it looks like you all had a great time! Thanks for sharing. - Sarah

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Sarah! We love that story and I knew it would fit in with out ice cream theme perfectly!


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