
Jul 10, 2012

My Super Sweet Six Year Old

My Sweet little Faith.

She is full of spunk.

She is singing all the time.

She believes in fairies and princesses.

She is smart.

She says the craziest and funniest things.

She loves her blankie almost as much as she loves her momma.

She is a snuggler.

She is full of emotion.

She loves to play pretend.

She wants to be just like her big sister.

She is very independent.

She loves Jesus.

She has the sweetest smile.

She is strong, yet sensitive.

She loves snacks.

She could play Barbies for hours.

She is inquisitive.

She wants everyone to be her friend.

She is a dreamer.

She loves movies.

She believes that her daddy hangs the moon.

She is beautiful.

She is my baby.

She is six.

Happy Birthday to my precious little girl!

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