
Feb 15, 2012

WFMW: What to Do With a 3 Day Weekend

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This weekend will be a long one, (4 days for my kids, but 3 for most).

And often, families like to take advantage of these longer weekends to do something special.

So, if you need help coming up with something "special" to do, here are a few ideas!

Go on a Day Trip!  One of our favorite places to go is The Indy Children's Museum on long weekends.  You can read about our trip there last year here.  Other great ideas are an indoor water park or visiting an  aquarium.

Do a House Project!  Since you have the extra day, tackle that room you have been thinking about painting, or clean out the garage!  Just make sure to let the kids help out so they feel like the extra day was special for them, too!

Give a Helping Hand!  For all the times you say, "I wish I could help out, but I just don't have time", well here's some extra time for ya!  It's a great way to show kids that you can use your blessing of a day off to bless someone else.  You could shovel someones driveway, clean up a yard, serve a meal at a homeless shelter, hand out blankets to homeless, or deliver a meal to a family in need.

Complete a task you have been putting off!  Maybe your daughter wants you to mend her favorite dress up outfit.  Maybe your son wants you to build a Go-Kart.  Whatever it is, that extra day is perfect for catching up!

Have a Yes day!  My friend over at Amyforhim does this with her kids and they LOVE it!  A YES day is a day when it's okay to say yes to almost anything.  Ice cream for breakfast?  Yes!  Playing at the park when it's only 20 degrees?  Yes!  Not taking a nap?  Yes!  Dessert before dinner?  Yes! 

Go see a Show!  I don't know about you, but the cost of taking my family to a movie at the theater keeps us from doing it very often.  You could use that extra day to have a special day at the movies complete with popcorn and treats!

Plan a Party!  If you tell your kid that they get to have a party and it's not even their birthday, you're pretty much guaranteed to get mom-of-the-year!  Plus, other parents will love you for giving them a free option of something to do.  And it doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate!  Have a few snacks, some juice and plan a few games.  Your kids will ADORE you!

Visit a Bounce House!  Many places have specials on the days that kids are out of school.  Plus, it's a great way for them to burn off all that extra energy that they usually get out at school.

Have a special mommy/daddy day!  My girls love it when they get one-on-one time with us, so we try to plan days where each of us takes one of the girls out for a day doing things that she likes to do.  They usually involve McDonald's, ice cream and a park :)

So tell me, what are your plans for the long weekend???

I will be linking up with We Are THAT Family for Works For Me Wednesday.  Be sure to check them out!

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