
Oct 10, 2012

What's On Your To-Do List?

My To-Do list is approximately 7 miles long right now.

I just keep adding and adding, but not much is getting done.

{Including Blog posts, which I am waaaaay behind on.  Sorry!}

At the top of my list right now are:

Get stuff for my daughter to make football signs tonight, (probably should get on that...)
Pick up and take my prescriptions (I have bronchitis..yay.)
Clean my house (who am I kidding?)
Purchase a camera and laptop (I have been procrastinating on this for months)
Fill out and mail in Red Tape paper work kind of stuff (HATE this!)
Decide what I'm making and then make something for a Football/Cheer Bonfire this weekend (which will probably end up being something pre-made and purchased at the grocery five minutes before we go)
Replace the light that went out in our bathroom a week ago (did someone say my make-up looks weird?)
Call and cancel the Netflix that we planned to only have for the free trial month that we have now paid for for  6 months (my bad...)
Figure out what my husband and I are going to be for the Halloween party we are going to next week (does it even matter??  We all know Amy For Him and her hubby are going to win the prize anyway!)
Take the junk that is left over from my garage sale, IN JULY, to Goodwill (so I can put more junk that is currently *inside* my house out there)
And a ton of other random things that will probably still be on the list in 2 months.

But while I haven't been doing those things, here are the things I have been doing:

Snuggling with my kiddo's while we all take turns getting sick (it's that time of year!)
Exercising (and I'm not even lying!!)
Spending time with friends and family who need it (because I have been so blessed by others when I have needed it!)
Having fun with my kids and all of their 101 activities (they will only want me around for so long...)
Making healthy meals and feeding my body the way it is meant to be fed (down 20 pounds so far!  Ask me how if you want to know!)
Enjoying all the new fall TV shows (if you know me, you know how excited I am about this!)

So while I know I have lots to get done, I think my list of things I have been doing is pretty awesome.  And the truth is, I'd much rather be doing all of that!

So tell me, what's on your To-Do list?  And what are you doing instead of doing it?


  1. I'm cracking up that your list has 'beer' & 'cigarettes' at the bottom, ha! :)

  2. Ha! Debbie :) That picture was from and I didn't even honestly look at it! Guess that will teach me :)

  3. Try to beat me this year girl!!! TRY!


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