
Oct 3, 2012

WFMW: Healthy Snacks

As I continue on this journey towards better health, I've had to start thinking a lot more about the stuff I am eating.

And part of that are snacks.

Here's what I used to snack on:

-Crackers with cream cheese and pepper jelly (one of my faves!)
-Movie theater butter popcorn
-Sugar cereal (pretty much any kind)
-Pizza rolls
-Slices of cheddar cheese

Pretty healthy, huh?

Obviously, I had to do an overhaul here.

But I still have to have snacks that are tasty, satisfying and take little to no time to prepare.

Here are some things that I have been substituting the above list with now:

-Granny Smith Apples, (perfect blend of sweet and tart!)
-Hard Boiled Eggs (I keep them in the fridge all the time now!)
-Greek Yogurt (Chobani tends to be my favorite)
-Guacamole or hummus and sliced peppers or carrots
-Almond Butter...sometimes with apples or sometimes on whole grain toast

Ummmm, and that's about it.

So, as you can see I have a pretty good variety, but I think I need more choices.  After all, I'm eating snacks about 3 times per day, so I go through this list pretty often.

Does anyone have any good ideas for some?  I'm trying to keep them low carb, and low calorie if that gives you some direction.


I will be linking up with We Are THAT Family for WFMW.


  1. My new fave snack, which is also a nod to your former favorite snack, is Triscuits with cream cheese and sliced tomatoes. Holy moly is it yummy and filling!! Triscuits are great because there's no added sugar and there are so few ingredients.

    Also, frozen grapes! Nice and sweet and slightly crunchy!

    1. Kim, I am gonna try that!! I have had frozen grapes and they are yummy, but now that the weather is turning cold, I tend to stay away from cold things because I am always freezing anyway :)

  2. what about peanut butter? is that too high calorie? i love carrots with PB! or celery...

    1. Ky, I love PB too. I just have to be careful with it and not eat too much because it can have a lot of calories. I *have* started buying the natural kind with no added sugar, so that helps a little!

  3. I love thin slices of fresh apple with thin slices of shaved Parmesan & some almonds, all together :)

  4. brown rice cake with natural peanut butter, baby carrots dipped in hummus, coconut oil popped popcorn (cooked on stove top)

    1. Amber, I didn't even know they made brown rice cakes!! In fact, my only memory of rice cakes is the tasteless yucky stuff my mom tried to make us eat once as a kid. I may give it another try. And I will definitely try the popcorn in coconut oil...I LOVE popcorn!

  5. Just thought is would stop by and see how you're doing! CONGRATS on 16 pounds!! One of the things I have to do is make sure all my go-to snacks are prepared and I have easy access. I found if it was easy to get the right things, I did. So, I portion out and prepare my produce in snack sized bags (carrots, celery, grapes, etc). I also like crackers and dips. I try to always use the whole grain crackers and make plain Greek yogurt based dips. Basically as a substitute for sour cream. Costco has some all natural trail mixes that I've really enjoyed. Just look at the ingredients because some can be not quite so healthy. I think it's Lean Cuisine that has a spinach dip with pita bread that I really like. Skinny Cow has great ice cream sandwiches that are pretty big for 100 calories, too. I wish for your continued success!!

    1. Thanks so much, April!!! I really appreciate your encouragement! And I have been trying, too, to make things ahead of time so I don't get tempted to go for something that is quicker and less healthy. I will try your idea of the greek yogurt dip, though, because I love a good dip!!

  6. i just thought of one more thing... i had hummus on cucumber slices today for the first time and it was pretty good! :) and there are some cucumber salad recipes that are pretty good and good for you too, if you like cucumbers :)


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