
Oct 1, 2012

Update on Life Changes and Winner of Gift Card!

Hey friends! 

Soooo, since I posted about my food addiction I've been busy making some life changes.

The main thing is praying about changing the way I see food, and then actually putting that into action.

I signed up for a program called Advocare.  I knew a lot of people who were doing it, and most of them were having success.

Not just with weight loss, but with feeling their best.

So, I decided to give it a try.

They have this thing called a 24 day challenge, and so that's where I'm starting.

I like it because I am eating real food, but the kind of food I should be eating....whole foods, things that will help my body instead of hurting it.

It is helping to teach me about what makes my body feel better and run better.  And the best part is, I have never felt hungry, which is something I was afraid of.

I have finished the "cleanse" portion, and am now on to the "max" phase.  Basically, I'm on day 12 and so far, I've lost 16 pounds and 8 inches!!!!

Oh.  My.  Word.

BUT, even better than that, is that I feel great!!

My mind is clearer.

I am not tired all the time like I used to be.

I am not craving sugar or fried foods.

I am not having all the stomach issues I have struggled with for so long.

And I feel good about myself.

It has been a long time since I could say that.

But it's true.

Because, you see, I realized that for so long, I have not even been looking at myself.

I mean, of course I do my makeup and hair in the mirror, and I check my outfit before I leave the house.

But I never really look at myself.  Like, look into my own eyes and actually see me.


I don't know.  I think it's just because I was afraid I wouldn't like who I saw there.

But the other day, when I realized this, I just took a moment to really look at myself.  And you know what?

I like me.

I try to be kind and giving whenever I can.

I really care about other people and how they feel.

I am a loyal and true friend.

I have a pretty good sense of humor (if I do say so myself...and I do :)  )

I try to stay positive.

I am smart.

I am always trying to be a teachable person.

I am a good mommy.

I am a faithful and loving wife.

And I genuinely love Christ with every fiber of my being.

So maybe I don't exactly love the physical part of my looks, and I know I still have things that I need to change, (like this food addiction I'm working through), but overall, I can honestly say that I like me.  And that is a HUGE step.

Not afraid to really look in that mirror anymore.

And, if after all of this, if that's the only thing I get...I feel pretty great about that!

So there you have it.

My first "update".

I'd say it's a pretty good one. :)

And NOW, are you ready for the results of the $50 Visa Card Giveaway??

Congratulations to...


I hope you enjoy your $50 and spend it on something to spoil yourself!!!!

Please send me your address at and I will send it off to you!

And thanks again to all of you for continuing to read and for all the encouragement!


  1. LOVE this, girl! And everything you said about yourself is SO TRUE! You are an amazing person, and a priceless friend. I'm so happy for you & proud of your success!!! Keep going, girl!!! :)

  2. I just love reading your blog! Your honesty and renewed sense of happiness are so inspiring. I'm so happy for you and blessed that our paths in life have crossed. We are all here for you!! Thank you so much for being so brave and taking ownership of your addiction and sharing your struggles and triumphs here for the world to see! You are an amazing lady!!


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